Standard Operating Procedures Copy TEST COURSE Jan 2023

Standard Operating Procedures

The central document in a good spirometry testing program is a written Spirometry Procedure Manual. Such a manual makes spirometry testing procedures and equipment calibration information readily available and ensures that the same standardised procedures are available to all staff and substitute staff. The manual should also be used to help train new staff.

Checklist for Spirometry Operating Procedure 

The Spirometry Procedure Manual should include:

  1. Equipment calibration check procedures, and how often they are performed
  2. A detailed description of the spirometry testing procedures
  3. Criteria for valid tests
  4. Reference values (“predicted normals”) source
  5. Protocols established to prevent and correct sensor contamination and zero-flow errors in flow-type spirometers and actions to be taken when flawed values are observed
  6. Required training for personnel involved in spirometry testing program
  7. Protocol for QA reviews
  8. Pre-test eligibility questions
  9. Sample reports
  10. Manufacturer’s spirometer user manual and contact information for manufacturer and local distributor
  11. List of necessary supplies
  12. Instructions for infection control procedures, including cleaning or sterilizing the spirometer
  13. Date and filename for the current version of the procedure manual.