Step 8 Copy TEST COURSE Jan 2023

Step 8

Severity Grading

Grading the severity of the impairment

Impaired lung functions are generally graded to quantify respiratory impairment/disability for medico-legal purposes, and to optimise and standardise treatment. The ATS/ERS guidelines suggest grading both obstructive and restrictive ventilatory impairments solely according to FEV1, as there is little or no evidence for the use of FVC as a parameter of impairment. Where appropriate, post-bronchodilator FEV1 values should be used for grading (11). Large airway obstruction should not be graded according to the FEV1.

The table below is proposed by Quanjer, Pretto, Brazzale and Boros as the new grading system for the categorisation of airways obstruction for those still using % predicted as well as those using LLN and Z-score for interpretation.  FEV1 is still the preferred parameter for severity grading.

Figure 9.25: Table for severity grading. Taken from Quanjer et al Grading the severity of airways obstruction: new wine in new bottles.


Interpretation and grading step by step

Interpreting spirometry is easy when approached in a logical step by step manner. The steps below detail how best to make your final interpretation:

Step A – Assess quality and data validation

Was the equipment verified/calibrated?
Have the correct reference values been used?
Is it necessary to correct for ethnic origin?
Is the test valid?
Was the best test used?

Figure 9.26: Example calibration and worker data to be checked

Step B – Assess the graphs

Analysing the shape of the flow/volume and volume/time graphs can provide information regarding the type of ventilatory defect. The flow/volume trials can take on a few distinguishable shapes that correspond to a certain type of pathology.

Figure 9.27: Comparison normal, obstructive, restrictive and mixed impairments on flow/volume and volume/time graphs 


Step C – Assess numerical values

Assess the numerical values. The following 5-step process is one of the easiest to understand:

  1. Begin by looking at the FEV1 / FVC.  Below LLN or 70% in adults (80% in children/adolescents and 60% >65 years) suggests an obstructive impairment.
    Above LLN or 70% in adults (80% in children/adolescents and 60% >65 years) suggests there is no obstruction and the test is either normal or restricted (depending on the FVC %’s of predicted)
  2. Next look at the FVC to determine if it is above or below LLN or 80% predicted.
  3. Next, look at the FEV1 to see if it is above or below LLN or80% predicted.
  4. If everything to this point is above the lower levels of normal stop at this step – the spirometry test is normal.
  5. If the FVC and/or the FEV1 are decreased, there is a strong possibility of lung disease and you should go on to the next step

Step D – Bronchodilator responsiveness testing

For any obstructive spirometry result do a bronchodilator responsiveness study. This defines the obstructive abnormality as Asthma or COPD.

A significant response to inhaled bronchodilator is defined as an increase ≥12% and ≥200 mL in either FEV1 or FVC between the baseline and post-bronchodilator results (10).

There is a significant response to inhaled bronchodilator if:

Spirometry returns to within normal limits (FEV1/FVC, FEV1 and FVC within the normal range), then there is complete reversibility of airflow limitation
Obstruction remains apparent after inhaled bronchodilator, then there is incomplete reversibility of airflow limitation

Figure 9.28: Example bronchodilator responsiveness test

Step E – Grade the impairment

Assess the severity of the abnormality by using the ATS / ERS grading table.

In the real-life example below the best pre bronchodilator FEV1 is -1.90 = grade 1 mild

                                                                                                               75%pred = grade 1 mild

                                                   the best post bronchodilator FEV1 is – 3.36 = grade 4 severe

                                                                                                               56%pred = grade 3 moderately severe

Figure 9.29: Example bronchodilator responsiveness test for severity grading

Step F – Document your interpretation / comments

Write your interpretation, grading and bronchodilator responsiveness result where applicable.

The purpose of recording and reporting is that any person who picks up the spirogram at a later date will know exactly what happened at the time of testing and will have clues as to factors that will affect interpretation.

The operator should specifically record and report the following:

Reason for testing
Test posture – only if this differs from requirements in the standard operating procedure for the unit
Recent use of bronchodilators (drug, dose and time taken)
Operators name and initials
Comments on effort, technique and co-operation. If the operator was unable to obtain a maximal effort, it should be noted with an explanation of the problem.

Step G – Compare results to previous test

Compare results to previous tests

Interpretation algorithm

Figure 9.30: An algorithm for the categorisation of spirometry.


Longitudinal evaluation – Interpreting change over time

Why look at change over time?

Adults experience a normal, gradual decline in lung function as they age, but some occupational and personal exposures can accelerate this loss of function over time. Periodic spirometry testing can be used to detect such accelerated losses. To evaluate lung function loss over time, periodic (or “serial”) spirometry testing measures baseline lung function, and then compares the baseline to follow-up values measured at later time points. This process is known as “longitudinal evaluation.”

Longitudinal evaluation of accurate serial test results can help OMPs make decisions about worker respiratory health or the need for medical referrals. Longitudinal evaluation may be especially important for workers who have above-average lung function (i.e., >100 percent of predicted). Such workers’ lung function may decline over time from the top to the bottom of the normal range, without dropping below their LLN. Although such declines may not be detected by repeatedly determining whether the results from single examinations are within the worker’s current normal range, these declines – which may indicate a significant loss of lung function – may be detected by longitudinal evaluation. In addition, careful monitoring of longitudinal results from groups of workers in a workplace may indicate that exposures to known respiratory hazards need to be reduced. Such group evaluations might also help to identify previously unrecognized occupational hazards.

When evaluating a worker’s changes in lung function over time the lead spirometrist should bear in mind that rates of pulmonary function change are affected by multiple factors. Some of those factors are work-related, e.g., job exposures, while others are non-occupational, e.g., weight gain, habits such as smoking, or pre-existing lung diseases such as asthma. Therefore, determinations of lung function decline should consider the whole clinical presentation in addition to spirometry results.

If a worker is determined to have “excessive” loss of function, two follow-up steps are recommended:

  1. Technical error should be ruled out by re-evaluating the test results for validity and repeating the spirometry test if needed
  2. The worker should be referred for further medical evaluation including an assessment of the complete clinical picture and possibly additional tests of pulmonary function.