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Occupational Spirometry Screening Certificate of Competence Short Course, Cape Town, Feb 2020

South Africa
Occupational Spirometry Screening Certificate of Competence Short Course, Cape Town
26 - 28 February 2020

We ended February off with our first Spirometry Course in Cape town for 2020. There was a group of 10 learners, mostly completely new to occupational spirometry.

We had fun learning a lot in 2 days about how to prepare for, conduct, evaluate and report a spirometry test. We also learnt about the importance of quality assurance in spirometry testing. On day 3 we wrote the theory assessment and each student underwent a practical assessment.

Well done to the learners for their hard work and dedication. I am excited for these students to get out there and test real workers for their portfolios.

A very big thank you to Petro and Lindsay for all their support before and during this training.

Yours in health

Wendy van Wyk


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