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Occupational Screening Spirometry Certificate of Competence Short Course Durban – March 2019

South Africa
Occupational Screening Spirometry Certificate of Competence Short Course - Durban
11-13 March 2019

An Occupational Screening Spirometry Certificate of Competence Short Course was held in Durban during the second week of March 2019. There were 6 learners in the group. Of the 6, 3 were familiar faces as they were on our Audio and Vison courses as well. The participants had had varying levels of exposure and experience in Spirometry but for most it was a new subject making it a whirlwind of new information to take in over a relatively short time frame.

Spirometry training
Spirometry training Durban South Africa

After the three days in the classroom for those with experience in Spirometry it was no longer about asking the clients to blow hard and fast for 6 seconds. They now knew and understood how to get acceptable and repeatable tests. For the beginners it was a great learning opportunity to do it right from the word go. We are committed to assisting every learner to competency.

Thank you, Stephanie, for the delicious food that made everyone so happy.

Lindsay Zurba and Yvonne Chimbarami

Training and Assistant Training Facilitator

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