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Joseph Sindawa is a University of Zambia school of medicine graduate with BSc. in Environmental Health. For the past 17 years he has been practicing as an industrial Hygienist with the Zambian Occupational Health and Safety Institute. He possesses the causal understanding of workplace exposures that leads to ear, lung, sight and general physiological health affections. He is a trained Industrial Hygienist registered with the Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA).

Joseph holds certificates of competence in audiometric and spirometry screening and has recently embarked on a train-the-trainer programme with Education for Health Africa as the Zambian training collaborator and representative in these fields.

Joseph is a people’s person with a great passion for instructing and lecturing. He also has been practicing as health and safety part time lecturer with Copper-stone and United Church of Zambia Universities since 2014.

Joseph is married to Marjorie and they have four children between them.

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